Sunday, September 25, 2016

A True Knight in Shining Armor

A recent experience evoked in me thoughts about the concept.  I admit, my skepticism that an ideal man out there (as the definition implies) seemed to hold true to the whole fairytale theme except for one area.  You see, I believe at the very core of my being that God is the only really true Knight in Shining Armor.  If ever there was the perfect protector, the One who loves even if I gain weight (ha ha) who keeps His Word of honor, defends my honor, is a gentleman, who is generous and kind, courageous and good - it is definitely Him!  He committed Himself to me a long time ago and He has never wavered.  Oh my!  I do love Him!  Sigh!  And who could live up to THOSE standards?  He lets me be who I am without complaint.  He actually enjoys who I am and encourages me to excel.  He doesn't criticize or cut me down when I make a mistake.  He helps me see what is the answer and patiently helps me walk through those mysterious and sometimes murky waters of exploration and discovery, as He protects my fragile heart to grow stronger in humility.  He doesn't nitpick or oppress me into being what He wants.  He kisses my face and holds me in His arms until I'm so full I think I might burst.  He talks to me about life and laughs with me.  He makes my life meaningful and with everything in me I want to make him smile when He thinks of me!  I feel safe and secure with Him!  We have a long history and have walked together through many dangers and heartaches.  He has never abandoned me or forsaken me.  Even when I thought He did and accused Him of not caring He didn't get offended or trade me in for another model.  I hear His thoughts about me and I can tell He thinks good thoughts.  It comes out in His actions toward me.  He knows what music I like and He likes my music.  He loves my family and works to help them because He knows how much it means to me.  He is compassionate and passionate.  He is wise beyond compare.  He doesn't mind when I ask difficult questions.  He'll hash it out with me unless I'm just being stubborn then He will either let me stew in my thoughts with a nugget to ponder or He will remind me of what is true.  He amazes me with His abilities.  He is capable and He always has something going. I like how He keeps it fresh - He's not lazy when it comes to our relationship.  I always wonder what He's up to, but not in a way that makes me question His faithfulness to me. Faithful is His middle name!  There's not a cheating bone in His body!  What more could a woman ask for?

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